A Change In Lifestyle
Our grocery bill is always high but our medical bills are low because of it.
Adrian’s mother conceived him after a previous pregnancy was lost at 35 weeks’ gestation. She was subsequently diagnosed with Thrombophilia, related to the MTHFR gene mutation and was placed on Lovenox to prevent clots. During the pregnancy, she ate whatever she wanted, as was her Italian family’s tradition of “feed your cravings.” This led to a 63-pound weight gain by the time she was induced at 38 weeks as a precaution due to her previous miscarriage. Her glucose tolerance test was normal. After 31 hours of labor, Adrian was born via emergency C-Section, because his arm was stuck and he could not progress further in the birth canal. His birth weight was 8 pounds, 3 ounces. From the start, he had difficulty latching and sucking. Adrian was primarily fed pumped breast milk because of his feeding issues, and evening soy formula because of dairy intolerance. He gradually started to become fussier and began spitting up. At 2 months, he had a choking episode and turned blue. Adrian was diagnosed with “silent” GERD and was placed on an antacid, which relieved many of his symptoms. His mother also removed dairy and wheat from her diet, and by 3 months, she was able to stop the antacid. He started home cooked solids, mostly vegetables and meats, at 4 months, and by a year old, he went back on dairy and wheat products without any apparent digestive distress. Over the next 2 years, he started having: - Recurrent bouts of croup and respiratory illnesses - Dark circles under his eyes and skin rashes - Large, bulky stools - Poor growth for both weight and height - Hyperactivity and broken sleep patterns Adrian’s behavior worsened until he eventually bit his 7-month-old sister’s finger. At this point, his mother was at her wit’s end–something had to change.
Action Plan
At first, he went through a sugar “detox,” but after a few weeks he adapted well to a Paleo diet
Began seeing a chiropractor 2 times a week
Began supplements to address the MTHFR gene mutation
Added enzymes that addressed digestive issues with certain foods high in phenols and salicylates
Treatments & Testing
Consumption of high quantities of carbohydrates that included many gluten free snacks loaded with soy and corn, as well as cravings for fruits.
Stool testing revealed candida overgrowth, as well as many food sensitivities, suggestive of a leaky gut.
The paradox was that many foods that mom thought were healthy for Adrian were actually harming him (gluten free products, many fruits, and night shade vegetables.
After 7 Months:
Amazing skin and behavior
Sleeping comfortably
Grew 8 pounds and 3 inches
Rechecks of Adrian’s stool test and food sensitivities showed that his gut had healed, there was no more inflammation, and he no longer had any sensitivities. Problematic foods were able to be reintroduced without any reactions.
“Our little boy suffered so much, but after hard work and dedication, he was able to push through. Today as a family we are 100% gluten, dairy, and corn free, as well as no refined sugars. We eat non-GMO and organic fruits and vegetables. We only eat grass fed beef, lamb, and organic chicken and pastured raised eggs. Our grocery bill is always high, but our medical bills are low because of our lifestyle. His body is now well enough to fight off infections on its own in 1-2 days. He has never had croup again and I take pride in knowing we healed him naturally.”
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Gastrointestinal Disorder
The biggest thing that helped her was removing gluten, dairy, and chronic over-the-counter medications.
Grace is an eight-year-old girl with a past medical history significant of gastrointestinal symptoms of vomiting and constipation as a young child. At two and half years old, she started with sinus and ear infections, leading to multiple antibiotics. She was referred to an allergist and was diagnosed with multiple food allergies, but because there was no anaphylactic symptoms, she was not advised to remove the allergens from her diet. A year later, Grace progressively started to develop rashes, which were treated with antihistamines and reassurance. By four years old, she started having vague elbow pains that progressively migrated to other joints, eventually elading to debilitating hip and knee pain that was now accompanied by fever.
Action Plan
Individualized Plan for Grace:
Eliminated allergen foods
Removed dairy
Implemented an organic, non-GMO diet
Stopped all over-the-counter medication
Added probiotics, chlorella, krill oil, magnesium, and a multi vitamin
Started taking local honey and apple cider vinegar to help with allergies
Started taking Garlic Mullen drops to help with ear symptoms
Begun seeing a chiropractor
Treatments & Testing
Grace's Work-up at a Regional Pediatric Center:
Cultures, x-rays, sedated MRI, and hip joint aspiration came back normal
Elevated white blood cell count
Diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Followed by an ENT and surgical placing of ear tubes recommended to address hearing loss.
1 Month Later:
Chronic cough and runny nose cleared up after removing dairy
Rashes and joint pain cleared after removing gluten
Antibiotics no longer needed
Bathroom irregularities cleared
Hearing normalized
6 Months Later:
No longer on allergy medication
1 Year Later:
No longer on an asthma or allergy medication
2 Years Later
Has perfect attendance in school
Attends dance and drama classes
Lives an overall active and healthy lifestyle
When we spoke to her mother about the changes in her daughter, we asked what she believed was the most beneficial. Removing allergens, over-the-counter medications, and letting her immune system do its job with proper nutritional support made the biggest, life-changing difference.

Asthma & Allergies
All measures were effective, but the change in
diet was especially helpful.
Matthew is a 9-year-old child with medical history significant for allergies and poorly controlled asthma despite multiple asthma/allergy medications, including an epi-pen. He was also diagnosed with ADD and developmental coordination. Most recently, he developed motor tics in the form of whistling, snapping and blinking.
Action Plan
1st Physical Exam & Blood Work:
Allergic “ shiners” and Wheezing on exam
Nutritionally Deficient Diet
Food Allergies to wheat, corn, egg white and peanuts
Low Vitamin D, Iron
Low Cholesterol
Genetic Mutation (MTHFR) related to impaired folate metabolism resulting in elevated Vitamin B12 levels
Elevated ASO, DNase Titers (PANDAS Markers)
Treatments & Testing
Individualized Plan for Matt:
Cleaned up diet by removing processed foods and preservatives
Removed specific allergenic foods
Added probiotics, increase fats, decrease sugars in diet
Started Vitamin D, Multivitamin, Cod Liver Oil, MTHF
Begun antibiotics for strep, followed by tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy to address PANDAs
1 Month Later:
Stopped wheezing and tics, mood improved
Saw nutritionist to maintain healthy diet; overall less carbohydrates and an increase of beneficial fats
Still received occupational, physical, and speech therapies
6 Months Later::
Asthma and allergies controlled on one medication
On an organic diet
1 Year Later:
No IEP services needed in school
No longer on an asthma or allergy medication
2 Years Later::
Achieved a spot on 5th grade honor roll
Accepted into 6th grade gifted and talented class
Reads, bike rides, and made competitive swim team
Goes camping with Boy Scout Troop without any fear
Motor skills, strength, and confidence improved
When we spoke to his mother about the changes in her son, we asked what she believed was the most beneficial. She thinks that all measures were effective, but the change in diet was especially helpful. Even on a budget, she finds a way to continue an organic diet, by prioritizing the purchase of organic meat and dairy, and not eating out as much. This wasn’t a change for Matty but his whole family now maintains, this healthy lifestyle.