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5 Things To Do Before You Get Pregnant (Preconception)

We feel strongly that the critical part of fulfilling our mission is to focus on the early years of development. This starts from preconception through pregnancy and the young child. This month we will focus on preconception and five things every woman should know before they get pregnant.

1. Start an Exercise Routine and Reduce Stress

You are going to need muscles in that belly to support the growing baby and to help push the little that have trusted meditation resources. and bundle of joy out! I know whenever I do ab exercises that start to hurt I think back to labor and laugh at the next set of scissor kicks (not really, I nearly cry but you get the point). Staying active throughout your pregnancy is only possible if you are active before it, so get moving now! Here is a great how to on starting a regular exercise routine, and one for strengthening your back. Stress reduction can be achieved through regular exercise and maintaining a meditation practice, there are plenty of great apps like Omvana or Headspace.

2. Support Natural Detox and Eat a Whole Foods Diet

We live in an environment where our bodies are constantly bombarded by chemicals and toxins that our body must work to detoxify. Our body, for the most part, is capable of moving out many of these substances that do not belong. By supporting our body’s innate ability to detoxify we create a system

that is fully functional and in a state of ideal health. Switching to a whole foods diet will help improve your overall nutrition and ensure you are minimizing unhealthy fats and sources of calories. Eat well now because there is no telling what that first trimester will bring for you.

This is straight out of this awesome article by Natural Mother Magazine

This is recommended for both you and your partner, because your husbands health will affect your baby to be as well, so get healthy together! Here is a delicious nutrient dense Creamy Pesto Noodles recipe that you are both sure to love.

3. Go Organic, Identify Food Intolerance

It is important to know why you are going Organic and what foods are just not good for your body, Organic or not! Foods today are highly processed and full of chemicals, learn more about what you are eating and listen to your body when you just don't feel good after eating(hint: next time don't eat that). Read more about why you should go Organic here and here

4. Maintain a balance of Essential Fatty Acids, Probiotics and Folate

Prenatal care is much more than taking a vitamin, we are all unique and one pill does not fit all. Learn what nutrients your body needs and what supplements are best for nurturing a pre-baby body.

Learn about Folate and MTHFR here. Probiotics are becoming more and more mainstream but they are not all created equal, learn more here and get what works best for you.

5. Get tested for Heavy Metals and Eliminate Environmental Toxins

Getting tested for heavy metals and removing them from your body before you even start to try to get pregnant is highly recommended. Removing Heavy Metals is a great way to ensure a healthy pregnancy, there is a lot of great information and resources on the process of chelation (heavy metal detox) that we recommend exploring.

This material is adapted from Restor Medicine's Pre Pregnancy Checklist

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